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Aachts related with disease cases, hereditary harm and suicides are available in Brazilian day by day food varieties like espresso, rice, beans, potatoes, apple, banana and surprisingly in stick stock. While wellbeing chances have made the European people group boycott the utilization of paraquate, atrazine and acknowledgment, the three substances are among the successes in Brazil. In 2017, Brazilian manors got in excess of 60 thousand tons of these synthetics. It is in Europe that are the basis of the world's world's agrochemical market companies: Syngenta, Bayer Cropscience and BASF are responsible for almost half of this trade in the world. But it is also from Europe that scientific research denounces its risks for decades. "The European Union produces agrochemicals, yet has left to the side the items that are detestable to wellbeing, contingent upon the pressing factor of coordinated common society," says Larissa Mies Bombardi, from the University of São Paulo, cr


  Whenever spring approaches, you can buy gardening plants again. But as beautiful as the flowers and herbs are for porches and gardens, they are often bad for the environment elsewhere. Regardless of whether it's violets, pansies or kitchen spices - the additional spring advances in the northern half of the globe, the more different the assortment of blossoms and plants for the outside. Around a billion plants for beds and galleries are sold every year in Germany alone, as indicated by the ecological assurance association BUND.                            PHOTOS JULIO PORTELLA Much natural harm is acknowledged in different pieces of Europe because of overhangs and blossom gardens. Specifically, reasonable plants, which many individuals rapidly take with them when shopping at the grocery store or home improvement shop, are frequently not economically created. A large portion of them come from nations like Ethiopia, Kenya or Costa Rica," clarifies Corinna Hölzel, pesticide exper

Mafias da floresta tropical Como a violência e a impunidade alimentam o desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira

  Todos os dias, as pessoas no Brasil se colocam em risco para defender a floresta amazônica da extração ilegal de madeira.  Eles são funcionários públicos que trabalham para agências ambientais do país e policiais que lutam contra crimes ambientais;  são pequenos agricultores que ousam dizer às autoridades os nomes dos mandantes de motosserras e caminhões de transporte de lenha;  são indígenas que patrulham seus territórios a pé, em barcos e motocicletas, armados com arcos e flechas e GPS, para proteger as florestas das quais dependem para sustentar suas famílias e preservar seu modo de vida. Os defensores assumem esse risco com pouca expectativa de que o estado os proteja enquanto enfrentam madeireiros que violam descaradamente as leis ambientais brasileiras - e que ameaçam, atacam e até matam aqueles que estão em seu caminho.  O desmatamento ilegal na Amazônia brasileira é impulsionado em grande parte por redes criminosas que têm capacidade logística para coordenar a extração em gra